Mission and Vision

The Trussell Trust is a charity founded on Christian principles, that works with people regardless of religious belief or non-belief.

Our Vision

To end hunger and poverty in the UK.

This is what we work towards.  We know it is improbable we can end ALL hunger and poverty, but this is our goal.  It is bold.  We felt it was important to prioritise ‘hunger’ before ‘poverty’ in the sentence and it is given geographical context with the ‘UK’.

Our Mission

Bringing communities together to end hunger and poverty in the UK by providing compassionate, practical help whilst challenging injustice.

This is the ‘how’.  The community aspect of our work is at the forefront.  This encompasses ‘more than food’ and our focus for the future of Foodbanks to tackle the underlying roots of poverty in the UK. 

Compassion, practical help and challenging injustice are what make The Trussell Trust unique in supporting those struggling in poverty in the UK.

Mission Verse

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matthew 25:35-36

Trussell Trust projects

Start a foodbank

Without people like you there wouldn’t be a network of foodbanks providing emergency food to people in crisis across the UK. All Trussell Trust foodbanks are launched in partnership with local churches and communities, because local communities are best placed to meet local needs. We’ll provide you with all the tools, training and know-how that you need to start a foodbank so that people in crisis in your town don’t have to go hungry.